Australia - 🇦🇺Southern🇦🇺 Land🇦🇺 NEWS

Australia - 🇦🇺Southern🇦🇺 Land🇦🇺 NEWS

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I believe they are wiping out our Food supplies- produce & live stock - Qld has been soaked for weeks - today so many places are flooded & more rain to come 🤬🤬 we are in Trouble!!
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Aus Integrity
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The Usual Suspects.

Once you figure that out...
you will lose most of the people you called friends...
some will think you are crazy...
and your burden henceforth...
is that one fact proving it is too many...
and ONE THOUSAND are never enough.

Some things - once seen - you can NEVER unsee.
@AustraliaOneParty @gailauss @anonandanon @karoola @LeanneV @wlbeattie @MaliaKay
Happy Saturday!
The 4th of our entirely remixed tracks - Awaken (our most played song).
The title track of our second album.
Not too subtle - the bridge in the middle repeats the word 'Awaken' 24 times.
Listen out for that one. Written in 2021, recorded in 2022, remixed 2025.

Please click on the link below, which takes you to our Bandcamp website.
Then click on the picture of the big blue eye (takes you to our 2nd album, Awaken).
Put the cursor on Track #11, Awaken.
Click the lyrics tab to the right to bring the song lyrics on-screen.
Now hit the play button (to the left) and enjoy!

SBSB is @Marillion47 and Wombat.
Please like and share, and have a blessed weekend everyone!

PS: next week a track from the same album we just re-recorded.
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New car design we should have
If the dimples on a golf ball reduce resistance, why don't we see dimples on planes or cars?.
In 2012, Jamie Hyneman and Adam Savage tested this exact premise on the Mythbusters TV show.
They covered a vehicle with a layer simulating the surface of a golf ball. The dimples were applied by adding a layer of clay to the surface, which actually significantly increased the weight of the car.
What they did was drive the car in three different situations: the first was the car in its normal state, the second the car covered in clay and the third the car with clay and the dimples.
Once the tests were done the results for each were as follows:
NORMAL CAR - It delivered a consumption of 26mpg which is equivalent to 9,047 l/100km.
CAR WITH CLAY - It gave exactly the same consumption, 26mpg which equals to 9,047 l/100km. CAR WITH CLAY AND HOLES - It achieved a fuel consumption of 29.6 mpg, which is equivalent to 7.946 liters per 100 km. The finished "Golfer" used 12.2% less fuel!

Thank you God,

We pray all this in advance and agreement, whilst standing upon your word, knowing it can't return void, but always accomplishes what it is sent out to do.

In the mighty name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Jude 1:25
to the only God our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion, and power, before all time and now and to all the ages.


Stay strong, push in and hold your line.


Please tell us your Praise reports in the comments so we can celebrate and praise God with you.
Bless ya's Brothers and Sister's.
we were all indoctrinated into space santa an early age....
A photographe of young cinema goers queuing-up in #Birmingham, #England to watch the film Star Wars in 1978......Noticed anything?
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Love Thy Neighbor, Not Thy Invader
"... Having been born and raised a Catholic (although, given current demographic trends in Europe, I fully expect to die and be buried a Muslim), I am well aware that Francis’ pontificate has been a controversial one, to the extent that, to some critical voices in the pews, the age-old question “Is the Pope Catholic?” no longer seems purely rhetorical..."
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