UBI will be/become the MOTB.
AI the image/mark of the beast system in Rev 13:15 and the tower of babel 2.0.
22:09 like ready player one
May their evil wicked plans fail miserably.
Therefore, blessed are all those who seek
Forgiveness in YahuShua HaMashiach,
And also receive.
For in His name shall all find freedom,
Solace under the shadow of His healing wings...
Life without end...
Says The Lord God.
Now Republicans are left looking like the bad guys, signaling yet again that they don't understand politics."
#ProLife #Politics #Prochoice

This week, Kentucky Republicans passed a pro-life law meant to cover supposed grey areas in the state's abortion ban, which automatically went into effect in 2022 when Roe v. Wade was overturned.
notthebee.comLink FeedThus says The Lord of Heaven and Earth: I have seen and I have heard, and no more shall I allow all this iniquity to thrive before My face! No more shall I allow all these abominations to proliferate throughout the earth!
Thus says The Lord your Redeemer, He who weeps for you; behold, with many tears I speak to you: Oh My beloved lost sheep, you have wandered far from Me, you have gone astray! Why, beloved?! Why have you forsaken Me?! You were to be My treasure! Oh how I weep for you; yes, I weep for you, beloved! Turn aside and return to Me, for I call to you still!
Where are you, beloved? You are lost, chasing after every unclean thing in a world which seeks only to consume you! Come home! COME HOME, MY BELOVED ONES! There is no more time to tarry! For the time has come for The Father’s indignation to be poured out, and all the children of disobedience shall come to know it! Yes, all these insolent and rebellious peoples shall surely drink of it!
Yet here I am, beloved! Look up, My children, and give Me glory! Repent in dust and ashes, wail and lament loudly! CRY OUT! For there is but One Salvation, only one name under Heaven by which you must be saved, One God and One Savior, only One who can fulfill your heart’s innermost desire... I am He, beloved! I AM HE! YahuShua is My name!
She's right....on the spiritual aspect.
The UN has the plan such as the Great Reset laid out on their website.
Their plans to implement the Technocratic Surveillance State is part of it.
Elon Musk is a Technocrat and a Globalist.
May their evil wicked plans fail miserably.
Civil War is Coming. God Will Use It to Separate the Wheat from the Chaff.
____ Mat 3:11-12 John the Baptist Predicts the Sifting and the Separation ____
I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance, but He who is coming after me is mightier than I . . . . His winnowing fan is in His hand, and He will thoroughly clean out His threshing floor, and gather His wheat into the barn; but He will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire.”
InfoWars (2025-03-24)
Democrat Foot Soldiers Spill The Beans On John Podesta's Plan for Civil War
Perry Stone (2025-02-28)
The Prophetic Mystery of The Threshing Floor
God did not raise up Donald Trump to restore America's prosperity. He is using Donald Trump to give Americans a little more time to repent of our national sins: abortion, immorality, idolatry, lawlessness, sorcery (drug use), dishonesty, violence, and greed.
There will be no return to America's past days of prosperity. Instead, there will be a separation of the wheat from the chaff. This sifting and separation will occur as America goes through a Civil War. Unless America repents, this civil war will destroy our country.
Some people will repent, turn to God, and change their ways. Others will just become more hardened and more rebellious.
As this conflict progresses, it will become more costly to call yourself a Christian and to stand up for what is right. The wicked will make you, a follower of Jesus, the scapegoat for all of their problems.
Get healthy spiritually, emotionally, and physically.
Ignoring the red flags doesn't make them green.
Give each other permission to ask hard questions.
"While we date and wait, we should strive to become holier and healthier. God gives good gifts to us, and waiting for the right person can be one of them."
That's exactly what evils wants and can lead to you to become very depressed it can actually enter your body to take control of your life.
Thank you Pastor Vincent Rhodes.
Believe and Trust in God and in Jesus Christ.
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