What a great way to start your day. Say good morning to your gab family here so that your "good morning" posts are in one place, easy to find.
Moderation is turned on. Posts that appear to be spam will require moderator approval. First posts from new members will also require approval.
Remember: Gab's promise of legal free-speech is always only one click away. While you're in this group, please follow the guidelines.
- Please post in English.
- No solicitations of funds.
- No selling of products or services.
- Don't promote your group while you are in my group.
- No blatant political posts; no images of politicians; avoid mentioning politician's names, political parties, or ideologies.
- No purely or primarily religious posts; no religious verses, or references to them.
- Not more than two or three posts per day; and not at the same time.
- Please do not use the "Quote" feature on a post that is inside this group, when a "comment" on the original post is possible.
- Please do not include multiple member @ names in your original post or add additional @ names to your comments.
- Mentions of race, vulgar language or images, and generally controversial subjects designed to spur argument are unwelcome.
- Off-topic subjects will be removed.
- Posts with media marked as sensitive will be removed without viewing the media.
Posts that do not follow the guidelines, or otherwise seem inappropriate for the group, will be removed from the group. Depending upon circumstances, offenders may be banned from the group.
Each guideline has a reason behind it, and is intended to keep this group a place for friendly exchanges between members. As part of your greeting, family-friendly photos, videos, GIFs, links, short stories about your morning, your day, or your life are all welcome.
Let’s keep the Good Morning Brigade the friendliest place on the internet.
Don L Turner @MyAmericanMorning
Bill DeWitt @baerdric
Michael @Mrw2350