Mandatory read this section and the included link
Welcome to the Bible Study group. Enjoy the posts, and please post some edifying content for your fellow Christians.
This is a group comprised of individuals with a wide variety of doctrinal stances, and it is not a substitute for you local Church. That is why the administrators will not act as Church elders in matters of discipline and leadership, but rather treat the group as an ecumenical parachurch group. We do have standards, and rules. Free speech does not apply to voluntary group membership. You aren’t free to spread whatever you think in here. You are not free to spread lies, or gossip. You are not free to spread heresies/false teachings about God here. We will hold you accountable.
We also reserve the right to remove anyone from the group for any reason. The, “About” section is too limited to give an exhaustive list of all the rules to be followed, and all of the heresies that are not allowed.
Here is a link to a web page that lists those rules, and heresies in a more complete way.
Failure to obey the rules will result in your account removal from the group.
Here are the two
Administrators of the Bible Study Group on Gab.
@lawrenceblair and @SnydersSoapbox