Dissident Nationalism

Dissident Nationalism

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The solution to White Genocide is to hold the entire planet for ransom, environmentally. If not even jews can survive the destruction, they have to give us concessions. Ignoring us or dismissing us would be irrelevant, because they wont have a planet to live on if we don't get what we want.

"I wanted to destroy everything beautiful I'd never have. Burn the Amazon rain forests. Pump chlorofluorocarbons straight up to gobble the ozone. Open the dump valves on supertankers and uncap offshore oil wells. I wanted to kill all the fish I couldn't afford to eat, and smother the French beaches I'd never see.
I wanted the whole world to hit bottom."
-Fight Club, page 123
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Reminder if youre thinking 50-100 years ahead, race war offers potential feasible solutions to White Genocide. I have never seen someone who is a pacifist for voting suggest any viable plan which can do the same. Bringing the conflict to a head through any means should be understood as the goal. Polarization, if it makes the enemies of our race behave more extreme then it makes our race behave more extreme as chain result. Action and reaction, and then further reaction to that.
Its not the same thing as accelerationism, its better. Stop ceding ground to the enemy, make the enemy behave in anger and they will use that anger to push more White people to farther right positions. That is real progress.
I would add the outbreak of a widespread war which is undeniably occurring and forces acknowledgement would itself likely act as an immediate shut off valve for non-White immigration. Such a war would be perfectly timed if it began during intervention in a foreign country, say, Ukraine. If the soldiers are already tied up, or could be forced into being moved outside the country. Like by China, or Iran.
Many European countries have already sent large amounts of equipment, artillery shells for example even the US is running low on as of reports from a few months ago. Germany is afraid to send all the Leopard tanks that it is. Thats the concept Im referring to, except simply not with soldiers themselves yet. Why is Germany afraid to send tanks, because they cant trust the KSK.

https://en.wikipedia. org/wiki/2022_German_coup_d%27%C3%A9tat_plot
On 7 December 2022, 25 members of a suspected far-right terrorist group were arrested for allegedly planning a coup d'état in Germany.
The group also included several former members of the Special Forces Command (KSK), including a former lieutenant colonel of the Paratrooper Battalion [de] of the Bundeswehr
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