Dr. Kraft, if he had been listened to decades ago, would have changed our world.
His work as a pathologist, connecting the damage caused to organ systems before any formal diagnosis of diabetes or even 'pre-diabetes,' is brilliant, and should have been awarded a Nobel Prize in medicine.
The formal, institutional medicine, health, pharma complex instead has successfully turned us all into weak, fat, helpless sheep by ignoring his work and not warning the American people...and the world.
Upwards of 70% of American adults are metabolically compromised and are incurring damage every day...the same damage that finally manifests itself about the time a formal diagnosis occurs. Along with Black Iron, I am an evangelist for his message. T2D is preventable and 100% reversible.
I am a living warning sign for you.
Just an interesting side note from his incredible, but simple book explaining his results and conclusion:
...The writings of Hippocrates are truly exceptional on physician behavior.
The Hippocratic Oath is the known document associated most widely with his name.
This famous testament contained both affirmations and prohibitions targeted for the physicians of his time, when abortion and assisted suicide prevailed:
“I will neither give a deadly drug to anybody if asked for it.
Similarly, I will not give a woman an abortion remedy.
In purity and holiness, I will guard my life and my art.”
The earliest reference to the oath occurs in the first century AD. Later, it was adapted to Christianity by substituting God, Christ, and/or saints for the name Asclepious and his family.
Gradually, medical students for centuries have stood to swear to the provisions of this oath. Self-evident today in the practice of medicine is the present and ongoing, never-ending, worldwide need of a continuous renewal of moral and virtuous principles based upon natural law unaltered by secularism.
The emphasis that Hippocrates placed on nutrition must not be overlooked. In the oath, he further states, “I will apply dietetic measures for the benefit of the sick according to my ability and judgment.”
Based on his recognition of the importance of nutrition as a method of treatment in medicine, Hippocrates has also been credited as the Father of Dietetics.
For many succeeding generations, Hippocrates was the ideal physician. Several hundred years later, Galen, a distinguished Roman physician, venerated Hippocrates as one “… who with purity and holiness lived his life and practiced his art.”
I have previously referred to Galen as the one who employed the alternative terms of diarrhea urinosa and dipsakos for diabetes. Galen is a most interesting person. At the beginning of his career, he had been a physician to gladiators. Later, he became the personal physician to the emperor, Marcus Aurelius. Galen acknowledged that Hippocrates was truly a man of virtue.
Kraft MD MS. FCAP, Joseph R.. Diabetes Epidemic & You . Trafford Publishing. Kindle Edition.
#14: Ever Upward and Onward: Greysteel Athlete John C.
Grey Steel
90 year-old athlete shows you it isn't too late to start.
his goal from this intro video: to deadlift 200 lbs, (147 when he stated his goal)
"I'm Stronger"
See how far he progressed!
Same Master's athlete pulls 235 lbs at 92 years old....!!!!!
The Deadlift Prescription
GreySteel (Doc Sullivan)
Almost everyone can begin their Athletic Training Career by doing the Deadlift.
This video goes chapter and verse as to WHY the deadlift should be part of any person's training program, explaining all the variables and benefits for people of any age and training status.
I cannot recommend training any movement pattern more.
And, in my personal experience, it just makes you stand up and feel like a beast. This is how you become a beast without even having to look like one.
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