Christianity іs White Genocide

Christianity іs White Genocide

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Every jew is a fraud. Every jew who ever lived and ever jew who never lived is a fraud.

Mythical, made up jews like Jesus, Moses, Abraham....all frauds.

Real life jews like Karl Marx, Sigmund Freud, Albert Einstein, Elon Musk...all frauds.
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Christian traitors against the Reich were responsable for the German defeat of Stalingrad.
– Prof. Dr. Johann von Leers in: "Der Weg" (1957, issue 5/6)

"People have always wondered where the enemy learned so many German secrets during the war. Friedrich Lenz investigated this question. He writes: "Lucy (one of the Soviet espionage organizations in Germany) supplied Moscow daily with the latest situation reports on the German troops on the Eastern Front. This information could only come from the Army High Command itself. This information was not available daily from other offices in Germany". But who was the traitor? The commendable author digs up the testimony of the Lucerne priest Karrer, who, when asked in a trial in Switzerland about the source of this information came from the Christian camp and was transmitted by personalities who collaborated with the Ecumenical Council in Geneva, which in turn had contact with Admiral Canaris (the head of the German secret service)."

People have always wondered where the enemy got this amount from during the war. We know today from the Englishman Ian Colvin's book "Chief of Intelligence" that Canaris was a traitor to the fatherland and a British agent; the pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer, who was executed for his treason against the fatherland and who prayed to God for defeat of Germany during the war in a circle of non-German clergymen, was in contact with Ecumenical Council... Lenz also proves that the first plan for a German advance on Stalingrad, the "Führer's directive" of November 11, 1941, was already passed on to Moscow on November 14 by telegram from the Red Chapel, which was supplied by "Christian circles". No wonder the Russians were able to prepare themselves - and that the German army advancing on Stalingrad could not surprise the enemy... The agent Pünter stated that "in September 1942 he had received a comprehensive document from one of this Catholic lines, whose terminal was located in a Catholic monastery near Freiburg, with data on the impending German offensive at Stalingrad..."

Everything was betrayed, the German advance plan was played into the hands of the Bolsheviks, hundreds of thousands of brave, loyal German soldiers were handed over to death and Russian captivity - by "Christina circles" who loudly boasted of their "resistance activity" after the defeat - and in return were immediately rewarded with the confessional school, i. e. the right to drill the youth of our people spiritually for themselves."
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Christianity is Semitic tribal dogma. The Western world will never be free of jewish influence as long as Christianity exists to shield and preserve the Torah; the foundational text of judaism, which Talmudic scripture is based on.
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Hitler could not have won WWII. He understood the jewish problem long before the war began. But he did not understand the christian problem until relatively late in the war when the christian USA sided with the bolsheviks against Native Europe. He was a courageous man who fought for the survival of Aryan self determination against overwhelming odds. He will never be forgotten, and the fight is far from over. The continuing censorship of the WWII German point of view is proof of its enduring power. 卐
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Gentlemen, I think I'm onto something big. Let me share the first part of it with you while I confirm my monumental discovery. I think I figured out how to win internet arguments - /and get the other person to agree/ - even after they've engaged cognitive dissonance.
That excites the fuck out of me, how about you? You want to make Christians admit they're wrong and you're right? I sure as fuck do. How about a cheat code for disarming their raised mental defenses?

So the first part, which is confirmed: How to piss them off perfectly. Not the better part. You've all seen them go full-blown CogDis. You recognize it by now, yes? If no, reply in comments I'll teach you how.

Invariably, they resort to insult. Before now, it was eyerolling. Now, it's informative.
If they call you stupid, they're insecure about their intelligence.
If they call you a faggot, they're insecure about their masculinity (or about their intrusive gay thoughts).
If they call you an incel, they're insecure about their sexual market value.
And so on. This is why the /most/ gullible people are the ones accusing you of blind belief.

It's a window to their weaknesses, the personal dimensions they're MOST sensitive about. If you target these weak points with biting wit, you will make them lose their shit. Nuclear meltdown. And they'll be shocked you saw right through them.
15 replies
Christianity is White genocide.

Behold the wisdom of christianity:

Miscegenation 🐒👨
@NiggerDestroyer7000 @Aldersgate @Hettman @NordicWolf @DayOfTheDirndI

Cough! I don't own a people's.
But thanks.
I am part of the human race, yeah. Some of those women are...........incredibly gorgeous.
No one told Spain or other countries to come over here to die. lol
I mean, they are the one's who raped or married in to them.
Even the Scots and Irish. But I forget who I am talking to.
You hate anyone not you.
So the point is moot.

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Simply, the Christian has disguised his racial treason with a religious camaflouge.
What did the Trans man say to the Priest? "I try to be righteous father but i was born a he-then (Heathen)." Lmao just came up with that and had to share with my fav group!
This is what christians define as "White men"

Behold the brownoid faces of what christianity will turn the entirety of Europe into if it has its way.
The entire world will look like brazil

Ackshually, the Argie team looks like this. People were bitching that there weren’t any huwhyte folks on the team. I think one of the dudes is an Indio-Negro, but the rest look like Seasoned Cathtlians with a hint of North African influence.

They kind of remind me of your fairer skinned grey-eyed Romanians, tbh.
@Hettman @IamSteven @DayOfTheDirndI @TerryFaro
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Saharan Christcuck nigger maggot does the weirdest and the most disgusting "transfer to anointing" revolting vulgar shit you ever seen!

Anoints his fellow Voodoo Saharan Christ-obsessed nigger golem on top of his head, and secondly sips the water from the bottle and then all the sudden, they are doing the outer subversive amatory tongue licking! 🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮. EWWWWW!!! FUCKING DISGUSTING!!!!. 🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮.

Makes me want to vomit quite a lot!.

The fucking Jews and their Shabbos goy puppets are very eager to import every single nigger to flood and plunder white Europe. Thus the Christian golems are also responsible for using charities to speed up the Kalergi anti-white plan to exterminate all the Aryans of this Earth!

Christianity is also a nigger religion!

The Christcuck Identity faggots are very reluctant to witness this, because they don't even read their bibles properly.

Christianity is also a Jewish Semitic religion of Pedophilia and necrosis.

How often do these Christcuck priests molest and smooch on fucking children?!? All the time, all the fucking time!. Chasing little boys and strip all their garments, that's in reference of the naked fugitive in Mark 14:51-52. This entire camel urinated cult is such sickening here folks. Snuggling little children without the consent of their parents, allowing your fucking dodgy local priest/pastor, snuggling with them while dropping some Jewish drools to infested with these innocent kids with more Jewish nauseating doctrines!. 🤢🤢🤮🤮 ABSOLUTELY FUCKING DISGUSTING HORRIFIC SHIT!!!.
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Vermin Parasitic Jewish Rabbi Chaim Richman Tells his fellow Christ-insanity golems that you already worship a Jew and said you should worship every one of us.

Apparently according to this filthy hooked nose Jewish Rabbi that you are making a mistake for worshiping one filthy vermin parasitic Jewish "saviour", because these filthy fucking swine Jews are dying their "sins" for the "goyim" What?!? For WHAT?!? More Jewish Canaanite Gods?!?

"Muh" God's Chosen People" wants their Christcuck maggots to worship every single Jew apart from Rabbi Jebsus. And you get these Jew kvetches while the Christcuck maggots supports Israel to the bone, to their greater intentions.

The other guy from the other mic trembles for a little but very desperate to incest, indulge to more Jewish cum like a good obedient introvert cattle sheep faggot obeying the Jew shepherd in a paddock.

Pushing more Jewish doctrines to a house nearby to ensnarl you for more attempts.

You fucking Christians deny the truth and deny reality as a whole. Numerous of times that you continue to gabbling with your little Hebrew scriptures intercepting various of plural nouns for example!.

Rabbi Chaim Richman is correct, you Christ-turds worshipping a dead tawny circumcised Rabbi Jew on a fucking stick!, no fucking doubt about it!.

They're trying to have some corroborates or confessing to be accepted, but even some (((honest)))) fucking Jews don't want them to intervene with their Noahide progress.

Christians loves their filthy hybrid Jew god.

All the Jewish Israelites and all the Jewish Canaanite people's were all brothers, same with Arabic goat niggers shared the same Semitic genes, almost the same chromosome levels to be honest.

"muh" "Synagogue of Satan" oh FUCK OFF YOU CHRISTCUCK!!! Seethe and kvetch you cocksuckers!. Because the proper truth shall be revealed!.
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Why do non-Christians go to hell? Christians can feel like they aren't losers.

(This joke becomes more hilarious and biting the better you understand people.)
@Truthtalker1 Ohhhhhh that explains things perfectly.

You can't understand others, because you're afraid of understanding yourself. The essence of the ego is "I am what others are not, and others are what I am not." For "Christians" to exist, there must be "non-Christians".
If everyone is on one side, then it's just a bunch of people and those labels are meaningless. It's not enough for you to be a good person; you need other people to be worse persons in order to get that ego hit.

You're a Christian, which means you don't need things to make sense, you're not an integrated personality, and you are mostly concerned with feeling superior to other people - because you don't. Christians are insecure as fuck, and prone to tangential outbursts when they feel threatened.
In order to feel superior, one must become divisive and offensive - that is, "you're part of the bad side, and you suck". That's why you're strawmanning me right now. I've seen it ten thousand times, and another ten thousand times from liberals. Both groups share the same dysfunction.

But I'm no one's straw man. You're not describing me, you're describing your own self-image by asserting your enmities.

Hey I've got a joke for you, but you won't get it.
Why do non-Christians go to hell? Christians can feel like they aren't losers.

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Yeah, Christ-niggers are literally mentally ill maggots due to their relentless fucking Jewish Abrahamic doctrines that keeps on intimidating and terrorizing the Aryan population of this Earthly realm.

Spreading more Jewishness that screws people's brain, mainly the black magic Jewish Hebrew Bible that really distorted, swindled people in general.

Average Christcuck faggots inhales and snorts with Jewish odour and Jewish other substances through their fucking nostrils!

Later in their physical lives, while pushing for their nugatory babbling shit, they'll suffer more than just brain lesions that's for sure.

We must reject and destroy every Abrahamic fleecing plagues in order to save our physical racial genetics from full scale extinction.

Christians rejects white nationalism but praises vermin parasitic Jewish nationalism in many tempts to annihilate and expunge the Aryan genetic bloodlines with their many imposed methods including other elements.

Christians are vehemently anti-white, anti-nature, but allowing their local priests/pastors/bishops/ministers with their Pro-Jewishness indoctrinating, brainwashing and frightening white kids.

Pure Christ-faggotry stuff to inhale more Jewish fairytale bullshit, because that disconnects from your ancestral racial roots.

Rinse and repeat to suck the Jew sock to swallow Jewish cum, they force you to accept this filthy tawny Jewish "saviour"

Average Christcuck evangelists getting to horny, to flirty for Rabbi Jebsus for more prophecy Jewish precept shit!.

Frankish king Charlemagne who was a fucking hybrid Jew tyrant Christian Monarch cunt who was responsible for beheading 4,500 pagan Saxons to death during the massacre of Verden in October 782 AD! Those tragic 4,500 Saxons had died for refusing to convert to this camel Jockey nigger Jew urinated desert cult religion. Christians are vile murderers!.

The 'Salem Witch Trials (June 1692–May 1693) during the Massachusetts Bay Colony era, hundreds of white women who were accused, prosecuted for "witchcraft", executed, even some men were also accused, convicted, forced to pledged guilty for "witchcraft as well", then executed from the noose of the hanging style. White women in the Massachusetts Colony Bay era weren't allow to even criticize the fucking Churches, otherwise they'll face ounces of pain and the noose until declared demise!. Jeez!! Fucking Christians are vile delinquents!!. Christians oppresses and sexually harasses white women, brought more hatred against white women and even demoralizes white men further.

The Killing of Hypatia in Alexandria, Egypt March 415 AD. She was brutally torn apart and brutally murdered by the Judaic Christian Golems. Hypatia was a female Roman Neoplatonist philosopher, astronomer, and mathematician who lived in Alexandria, Egypt. Well respected and well revered by the Pagan Romans until she was tragically and brutally got murdered when the Roman Empire having heaps of crisis and plunged to the dark ages.

Burning and torturing all the "witches", oppressing and hostility towards the Aryan people, it's all part of the vermin parasitic Jewish international conspiracy and endorsing the Judaic-Abrahamic Proto-Communistic Loxism agendas, they justify these things to enhance their Jew World Order!.

Average Christcuck niggers are bunch of psychopathic maniacs!!.

Indoctrinating, manipulating lots of Aryan about the "born with the original sin" bullshit to induce them to commit suicide like jumping off the cliff and die for fucking circumcised Rabbi Yeshua to ascend to kike nigger kosher urinated heaven for the "eternal afterlife" moments!! "muh" "rejoice for salvation!" "muh" "praise O'Lamb of God!" "muh" "we waaaz kang!" Oh fuck you Chrigger irritating faggot cunt!.

We despise every Judeo-Abrahamic principles and fuck your filthy hideous crazy Jew God too!.

Drafted some white European men to bleed, to be injured and to die for the fucking holy Jewish land during the 12th century crusade.

Jews hates white people, same with Christians hating on white people!.

Flaying off your body layer part to sacrifices your to your filthy vermin parasitic Jew Lord. Circumcision, abortion, gential mutilation, sterilization and other horrific throbbing shit.

Christians are Jewish bitches, expressing with their neutered crazed meek-fulness, absolutely pure fucking gayness!.

Fuck Christianity, we've been overwhelmed, over-pressured by the fucking mind-numbing idiots encircles us around!. Self-humble self-entitled nigger cunts they really are. They have Jewish feature structures without a doubt.

You fucking ugly hypocrites worshipping a dead fucking circumcised enfeebled kike on a fucking stick!! Fucking disgusting and most ridiculous shit!!. Being so aggressive, being so vituperative against the Aryan population and you have been doing this for nearly fucking 2,000 years!!.
Thank you all for being my little oasis of rational thought and insight. Y'all help me forget how retarded the internet has become.
On Dec 8, 1970, while researching for his Hitler biography, David Irving visited the widow of Walther Hewel, who had been liaison officer for Joachim von Ribbentrop at Hitler's headquarters. Among other items she loaned him Hewel's 1939 notes, his 1941 private handwritten diary, and an album of memorabilia along with many original photographs for his book.

On June 2, 1941, Hitler admitted to Walther Hewel:


A big big mistake, christians should have been either executed or deported right from the start.

"September 1938... the bishops are trying to exploit the current political situation... working against the party's efforts to raise morale......he will have every priest who engages in inflammatory activities imprisoned or shot."

Heil Hitler!!

Hitler thought it was not such a significant problem that it could wait to be dealt with until after the war.
A big big mistake, christians should have been either executed or deported right from the start.

Well, we live and we learn. We won't be making their mistake this time around.
First order of business, all jew lovers and jew worshippers (chriggers) get a bullet.
No quarter, no compromise, no delay.

We can not let such a dangerous enemy and cultural rot just exist within a White ethnostate. It is such a grave mistake that it will always end with the destruction of Aryan rule within the decade.
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Hey goy, don't you know, White people came from israel and we're all israelis!
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