We created Heroes CBD to help people bring out their hero inside. Little did we know that there would come a time when our country would need heroes more than ever. Our way of life, our freedom, our God given, inalienable rights, our very country are under assault, and if we stay silent now, it will be too late to speak up later. Heroes are willing to put the greater good above their comfort and do what’s right, just and good. Our silence is seen as agreement to the taking of our rights and freedoms. Our silence is a demonstration of weakness to the forces who desire to transform our way of life. We at Heroes CBD created this page to celebrate and support the heroes who speak up for freedom, liberty, and the American way of life and speak up against tyranny, authoritarianism and the forces that threaten our values and way of life. It’s time to be a hero!
Note: All posted videos may be used by Heroes CBD at its discretion