We are about preserving our God-given freedoms as upheld in the Constitution. We respect the right of others to choose what is to be injected into their bodies. We only ask that they respect OUR right to choose, as well.
Most all of us have friends & family who have taken "the Jab."
Many of us can say that there is ZERO disharmony between "US & THEM" -- a social stigma that we prefer to avoid.
But, we also know that there are powerful forces that want to pit us against those who are vaccinated. And, we believe that if the Covid situation worsens, that they will scapegoat us -- the non-vaxxers -- for the failure of their "vaccines."
For this reason, we should band together for the sake of increased awareness about the social issues confronting us, and those developing on the horizon, that we may be better prepared to deal with them.
We also welcome other topics of concern. But let's keep it in good taste, okay? You are Trusted and Loved