The US is lurching very quickly to rule by a tech-corporate-government overclass which acts as a coordinated entity to suppress free-thinking Americans and curtail their liberties and rights.

Once this evil system metastasizes, it will be orders of magnitude more difficult for political dissidents to form a cohesive opposition to BIGCORPGOV and successfully oust the self-righteous tyrants.

Examples of this happening abound. For instance, more and more businesses, colleges, medical care practices, banks, health insurance companies, and public schools require users of their services to have a Social Media presence on one of the Big Jew platforms. If you are not on, say, Faceberg, you either cannot opt into those services, are denied the ability to conduct a transaction, or are refused pertinent information.

Worst case, you are barred from entry to the physical buildings and your accounts are frozen.

You either SIGN ON THE DOTTED LINE goyium, or you are banished to the social gulags. You will be tracked, traced, geolocated, and surveilled for your own good, and if you object the Regime will impoverish you and make you an outcast in your own country.

This is totalitarian tyranny in every way that matters.

And most Americans have chosen the taste of the juicy steak over their liberty.

These big tech companies are not representative of America. They are stains on the social fabric of a once noble nation. The techlords and govscum are not inventors, nor entrepreneurs, nor benefactors to the public weal. They are power-drunk money changers, and like Jesus drove out the loan sharks from the temple, so we must drive out the rabbi barons from the Temple of Heritage America.
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