Biden Shown Signing Blank Paper Passed Off as Executive Orders (some insiders say Trump is still signing EOs and passing them over to the military who are in control of our true government as the military does not recognize the current imposter cabal government seated in the imprisoned DC swamp).

#USA #NOGreatReset #MAGA #TheStormIsUponUs #Parler #GodBlessAmerica #LawAndOrder #Gitmo #WWG1WGA #SecondAmendment #RedPill #ElectionFraud #ProLife #ConstitutionalRights #Freedom #DigitalBattlefield #NWO #ReleaseTheKraken #Arizona #TheGreatAwakening #StopTheSteal #WWG1WGA #FightForTrump #CampJustice #BikersForTrump #QAnon #WeHaveItAll #TrustThePlan
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