It's the Roman Salute, also known in the U.S. as the Bellamy Salute, sometimes, but not always, with a slight variation of the palm up or facing sideways in the U.S. version. However, many in the U.S. used to give it in the standard Roman Salute format, with the palm down.

It was something our people always did, as a sign of respect, before the German National Socialists, who were the good guys and who also did this salute, lost WW2.

It used to be performed as part of the Pledge of Allegiance, at every school in the U.S.

The jews don't like it, because it's a salute and a variation of a salute that dates back to the beginning of White, Western Civilization and History.

The jews want to erase our White, Western Culture and our White History.

With Elon Musk doing it, the jews are just trying to get out in front of the White Identity and National Socialist Movement, because they know it is catching on and they want to control it.

White people are waking up and realizing that, it's Okay to be White, Hitler was Right and that it's the jews that are the problem and the source of all societal ills, just as they have always been.

White people are also starting to read Gottfried Feder and the Program of the NSDAP and are realizing that NS Economics and NS Protections against foreign people and foreign entities, mainly the jews, but also all others, make sense.
The "Elon salute" has emerged as the first major media hoax during the new Trump administration.

The name of the game here is clear: delegitimizing the credibility of our enemies in the mainstream press while simultaneously shifting the Overton window—the range of ideas deemed acceptable in public discourse—further in our direction.

We all saw what happened live. We all recognized the gesture for what it was: harmless, perhaps even playful, but certainly not the sinister act it was later portrayed to be by the media.

Yet, we also knew exactly how the media would react. Predictably, they seized on the moment, amplifying it into a full-blown spectacle of outrage and hysteria. This reaction was not accidental; it was inevitable. The media’s tendency to sensationalize and distort is a well-documented pattern, and this incident was no exception. By blowing the gesture out of proportion, they once again revealed their bias and their eagerness to manufacture controversy where none exists.

But here’s the key: this overreaction works in our favor. Every time the media engages in such hyperbolic behavior, they erode their own credibility. The public grows increasingly skeptical of their narratives, and their influence wanes. Meanwhile, the Overton window shifts further in our direction, as the absurdity of their claims makes our positions appear more reasonable by contrast. This is not just a win; it’s a strategic victory in the long-term battle for cultural and ideological dominance.

In essence, the Elon salute is more than just a meme or a moment—it’s a masterclass in political strategy. It exposes the media’s vulnerabilities, undermines their authority, and advances our agenda all at once. And as we move forward, we can expect more of these calculated moves, each one designed to chip away at the opposition’s credibility while solidifying our own.

The game is being played, and we’re winning.
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