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@vaccineregrets Trump removed the department of communist brain washing, so what, it was about time. Plenty of more pork fat in need of removal!

@vaccineregrets as a retired educator, I say good. Education administrators promote teachers who are politically in line with leftist idiocy and holdback teachers who work hard to improve education and learning in their classroom.

@vaccineregrets The Reason why the Department was not needed, is because it has found the best way to keep the children from learning the rules of English. Yes, it would be nice if the children learned to read. And write, and spell. The Department has been too successful in their mission.
We need to resurrect the schoolmasters of the 1830's, who got the job done better than anyone in history. Oh, by the way, the majority of children learned to read before they went to school.
We need to resurrect the schoolmasters of the 1830's, who got the job done better than anyone in history. Oh, by the way, the majority of children learned to read before they went to school.

@vaccineregrets. They couldn't read before the doe went down. Now maybe they will have a chance?!!

@vaccineregrets its free babysitting, not a FREE education

President Trump's administration works to remove the evil and worthless DC Democrat Globalist Comministic run DC DOA indoctrination of American children in evil people public schools who lie to and have perverted and maimed helpless children in the taxpayer funded public schools staffed largely by radical leftist Marxist Democrat Globalist overpaid teachers who hate America and teach lies. Now the states citizens can choose what children can learn now that the handcuffs are off American parents and citizens of various states.
May the good Lord Jesus Christ bless and guide and protect and give moral Conservatives and Christians victory over the devilish Democrat Globalist evildoers who hate America and Israel and the children they are hired to teach the truth and morality and education.
President Trump's administration works to remove the evil and worthless DC Democrat Globalist Comministic run DC DOA indoctrination of American children in evil people public schools who lie to and have perverted and maimed helpless children in the taxpayer funded public schools staffed largely by radical leftist Marxist Democrat Globalist overpaid teachers who hate America and teach lies. Now the states citizens can choose what children can learn now that the handcuffs are off American parents and citizens of various states.
May the good Lord Jesus Christ bless and guide and protect and give moral Conservatives and Christians victory over the devilish Democrat Globalist evildoers who hate America and Israel and the children they are hired to teach the truth and morality and education.

@vaccineregrets In school, 1952-1964 I had a hard time but by the 7th grade I was reading far above the other students. I had a hard time with "cursive" writing but one day I was shocked to see I was doing it! No one taught me. And I was considered a "slow" student. Still graduated in 1964.
Since those days I have read hundreds of books, and not sleazy pulp books. Classics was more my style.
Since those days I have read hundreds of books, and not sleazy pulp books. Classics was more my style.

@vaccineregrets Never had the DOE when I was in school and I'm better because of it.

@vaccineregrets Dept of ED was weaponized decades ago. I wouldn't put my kids in public schools if you paid me too. Anyone that think the public education these kids get today prepares them for the future are just as mentally ill as the woketards teaching their kids and you deserve what you get.