“Middle School-Based Health Clinics Asking
Yet again we are seeing what the “Obama curse” has done to our country – school-based health clinics pushed by Kathleen Sebelius, Obama’s Sect. of the Department of Health and Human Services. The Breitbart article posted below tells about a school-based clinic in Louisiana in which sexually explicit questions on a “health” survey were administered to middle-school children who felt pressured to answer them.
Here are some of the questions on the survey:
Have you ever had any type of sex — vaginal, anal or oral sex?
Have you ever been attracted to the same sex?
Girl to girl or guy to guy?
Or do you feel that you are gay, lesbian or bisexual?”
By merely asking such carefully worded and sexually explicit questions, damaging seeds are sown in students’ minds; and that is the whole purpose behind this Obama-era survey.
Middle-school students begin to think:
“Is there something wrong with me that I have not had sex yet?”
“I did not know a person could have sex three different ways. Maybe I should try all three.”
“How exactly does a person have anal and oral sex? I need to find out more about this.”
“I am a girl, but I did think Sally looked pretty yesterday. Is there something wrong with me? Did I feel ‘attracted’ to her? Maybe I should write ‘yes’ on this survey. In fact, maybe I am a lesbian.”
“George is really muscular. I wish I looked like George. Am I gay just for thinking about George’s body? Maybe I am.”
Students are taught to respect and value what they are taught at school. When they see these questions on a school-based survey, the questions are given a level of legitimacy in students’ minds.
Then, too, middle-schoolers are particularly vulnerable because they are going through uncertain years where they are trying to establish their own identities. To throw these types of sexually inappropriate questions at them is a type of psychological manipulation as practiced by the Obama-era administration and its Common Core, social justice agenda.
Louisiana and every state in the country should forbid school-based health clinics from promoting any type of teenage sexual activities and contraceptive use; this means forbidding the type of surveys described in Dr. Susan Berry’s article below.]
“Middle School-Based Health Clinics Asking
Yet again we are seeing what the “Obama curse” has done to our country – school-based health clinics pushed by Kathleen Sebelius, Obama’s Sect. of the Department of Health and Human Services. The Breitbart article posted below tells about a school-based clinic in Louisiana in which sexually explicit questions on a “health” survey were administered to middle-school children who felt pressured to answer them.
Here are some of the questions on the survey:
Have you ever had any type of sex — vaginal, anal or oral sex?
Have you ever been attracted to the same sex?
Girl to girl or guy to guy?
Or do you feel that you are gay, lesbian or bisexual?”
By merely asking such carefully worded and sexually explicit questions, damaging seeds are sown in students’ minds; and that is the whole purpose behind this Obama-era survey.
Middle-school students begin to think:
“Is there something wrong with me that I have not had sex yet?”
“I did not know a person could have sex three different ways. Maybe I should try all three.”
“How exactly does a person have anal and oral sex? I need to find out more about this.”
“I am a girl, but I did think Sally looked pretty yesterday. Is there something wrong with me? Did I feel ‘attracted’ to her? Maybe I should write ‘yes’ on this survey. In fact, maybe I am a lesbian.”
“George is really muscular. I wish I looked like George. Am I gay just for thinking about George’s body? Maybe I am.”
Students are taught to respect and value what they are taught at school. When they see these questions on a school-based survey, the questions are given a level of legitimacy in students’ minds.
Then, too, middle-schoolers are particularly vulnerable because they are going through uncertain years where they are trying to establish their own identities. To throw these types of sexually inappropriate questions at them is a type of psychological manipulation as practiced by the Obama-era administration and its Common Core, social justice agenda.
Louisiana and every state in the country should forbid school-based health clinics from promoting any type of teenage sexual activities and contraceptive use; this means forbidding the type of surveys described in Dr. Susan Berry’s article below.]
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