卐 (2)
(2024 January 1st
From 2024
卐 to 2025
(I'm more expect on 2025
This is 2023 as i've mentioned before:
Not only the trash on vast land need to be clean/Flush out
But also, Those satellite trash as well
And totally more than 90% of population, Need to be clean/Flush out
Calling Japan on aging problem, Is a lie, Is part of a lie of semitic/communist/freemason media that trying to use their foreign tactics on Japan, Tourists system is part of colonial system,
Japan be able to self-sufficiency with food and everything, independent since ancient time,
Japanese has root of own bloodline and traditional, 天照大神 (Amaterasu the Sun goddess), Was also came from Father 大日如来 Dainichi Nyorai (Huge Sun Buddha) to established the first Japanese heritage in this mortal world,
And 不動明王 Fudō Myōō was came from 大日如来 Dainichi Nyorai Swastika that on his chest, To protect Japan,
For example, 波旬 that from 大欲界天狗道
/Paranirmitavaśavart to this mortal world, In 大欲界天狗道
/Paranirmitavaśavart, 1 day = Mortal world 1600 years .
On 1572, 武田信玄 Takeda Shingen has wrote a letter to 織田信長 Oda Nobunaga, Begging him not to kill the monks,
And 織田信長 Oda Nobunaga admitted and reply the letter to tell 武田信玄 Takeda Shingen that 織田信長 Oda Nobunaga himself was actually the Demon King of the Sixth Heavenly 波旬 Hajun/Māra/King of Tengu
Even though 織田信長 Oda Nobunaga has built some temple, Protect the ascetic, Doing many good thing etc,
That's how he accumulates the power of ruling,
He begin his power from temple, Eventually, Surrounding by 明智光秀 Akechi Mitsuhide, And, He also end by 不動明王 Fudō Myōō fire inside the temple .
That's how father 不動明王 Fudō Myōō end 波旬 Hajun/Māra/King of Tengu
in "human" form in Japan, To protect Japan .
The first Tenno Heika was direct related to Father 大日如来 Dainichi Nyorai (Huge Sun Buddha), In Sanskrit called (Vairocana Buddha),
Even after then Tenno Heika family have directly related heritage the sea god Poseidon's family/Sons/Ocean family bloodline, As well as the Yamato, That in this mortal world .
I've already said it,
Tenno Heika, Kogo Heika, Was the parents of Japan,
A nation without their King and queen, Just like a child without their parents and haritage .
We love our King and Queen, And our King and Queen love their people as well, This make me feel proud .
We have our pure blood King and Queen .
This always make me feel proud .
Japanese are not those so-called "chosen people"
who trying to colonial other with divercity blood mix to destroy their origin genetics, Has no place in the history on this human civilization, Who does not belong to this human civilization, But also never connect to the last human civilization Atlantis Kingdom era .
Foreigner and their mixed shall not allow enter Japan, Not to mention their "culture" .
If we see the strong wind blow in Japan, Especially in tokyo, This will be the last warning from Your highness Poseidon
卐 himself .
As i've mentioned before, World War 3 卐 is the key point .
Also as you can see, On 2023, How the 第六天魔王波旬・大欲界天狗道/Paranirmitavaśavart burning also cause effect that bring the lost of their "human" form to this world this dimension .
Tons of the childs of 6th heavenly demon king 波旬(Hajun/Mara), 第六天魔王波旬・大欲界天狗道/Paranirmitavaśavart Mara/Tengu
Including their "human" form, "Israeli", Freemason Rothschild family, Rockefeller family, George soros family, Korean freemason communist kim's family, Chinese freemason communist or mao's family, Karl marx family, Stalin family, Pseudo-scientist einstein family, Russian(slavic), Nigger,
U.S(Jew Ass), Shit skin indian Sudra/Dalit, Semitic etc etc, Has been massively wipeout in 2023
(Shit skin indian Sudra/Dalit, Was actually one of the (Gypsy) people subhuman who lies and stealing etc)
But not enough , I've said it before, Their population in this world decrease under 30%, Now under 30% is not enough, Especially Tengu
and their childs population in this world,
Not enough until they are .
(2024 January 1st
From 2024
(I'm more expect on 2025
This is 2023 as i've mentioned before:
Not only the trash on vast land need to be clean/Flush out
But also, Those satellite trash as well
And totally more than 90% of population, Need to be clean/Flush out
Calling Japan on aging problem, Is a lie, Is part of a lie of semitic/communist/freemason media that trying to use their foreign tactics on Japan, Tourists system is part of colonial system,
Japan be able to self-sufficiency with food and everything, independent since ancient time,
Japanese has root of own bloodline and traditional, 天照大神 (Amaterasu the Sun goddess), Was also came from Father 大日如来 Dainichi Nyorai (Huge Sun Buddha) to established the first Japanese heritage in this mortal world,
And 不動明王 Fudō Myōō was came from 大日如来 Dainichi Nyorai Swastika that on his chest, To protect Japan,
For example, 波旬 that from 大欲界天狗道
On 1572, 武田信玄 Takeda Shingen has wrote a letter to 織田信長 Oda Nobunaga, Begging him not to kill the monks,
And 織田信長 Oda Nobunaga admitted and reply the letter to tell 武田信玄 Takeda Shingen that 織田信長 Oda Nobunaga himself was actually the Demon King of the Sixth Heavenly 波旬 Hajun/Māra/King of Tengu
Even though 織田信長 Oda Nobunaga has built some temple, Protect the ascetic, Doing many good thing etc,
That's how he accumulates the power of ruling,
He begin his power from temple, Eventually, Surrounding by 明智光秀 Akechi Mitsuhide, And, He also end by 不動明王 Fudō Myōō fire inside the temple .
That's how father 不動明王 Fudō Myōō end 波旬 Hajun/Māra/King of Tengu
The first Tenno Heika was direct related to Father 大日如来 Dainichi Nyorai (Huge Sun Buddha), In Sanskrit called (Vairocana Buddha),
Even after then Tenno Heika family have directly related heritage the sea god Poseidon's family/Sons/Ocean family bloodline, As well as the Yamato, That in this mortal world .
I've already said it,
Tenno Heika, Kogo Heika, Was the parents of Japan,
A nation without their King and queen, Just like a child without their parents and haritage .
We love our King and Queen, And our King and Queen love their people as well, This make me feel proud .
We have our pure blood King and Queen .
This always make me feel proud .
Japanese are not those so-called "chosen people"
Foreigner and their mixed shall not allow enter Japan, Not to mention their "culture" .
If we see the strong wind blow in Japan, Especially in tokyo, This will be the last warning from Your highness Poseidon
As i've mentioned before, World War 3 卐 is the key point .
Also as you can see, On 2023, How the 第六天魔王波旬・大欲界天狗道/Paranirmitavaśavart burning also cause effect that bring the lost of their "human" form to this world this dimension .
Tons of the childs of 6th heavenly demon king 波旬(Hajun/Mara), 第六天魔王波旬・大欲界天狗道/Paranirmitavaśavart Mara/Tengu
Including their "human" form, "Israeli", Freemason Rothschild family, Rockefeller family, George soros family, Korean freemason communist kim's family, Chinese freemason communist or mao's family, Karl marx family, Stalin family, Pseudo-scientist einstein family, Russian(slavic), Nigger,
U.S(Jew Ass), Shit skin indian Sudra/Dalit, Semitic etc etc, Has been massively wipeout in 2023
(Shit skin indian Sudra/Dalit, Was actually one of the (Gypsy) people subhuman who lies and stealing etc)
But not enough , I've said it before, Their population in this world decrease under 30%, Now under 30% is not enough, Especially Tengu
Not enough until they are .
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