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Recent PRO gabs
Gab welcomed him when no one else would. He loved free speech when it allowed him to speak, but he thinks your speech is a “sewer” as he posts on X which is loaded with pornography.
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Being 100% MAGA these days basically means endorsing Lindsey Graham while simultaneously vilifying Thomas Massie.
It's like absurdist theater for the mentally ill.
It's like absurdist theater for the mentally ill.
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If you hadn't seen it yet, this is the Dutch man who tackled and detained the Turkish knifeman yesterday in Amsterdam. Did it all by himself. Nobody else helped him.
The Republican Party might as well be called the "ADL Political Party." Every single day I hear elected Republicans regurgitate Anti-Defamation League "antisemitism" talking points. There have been more Congressional panels in the past two months regarding "antisemitism" - to date 74 panels since January 2nd. Meanwhile, not a single Republican panel has addressed affordable housing, homeless veterans, or misappropriated federal funds. When is enough enough? If the Democrats were not so vehemently anti-White and anti-Christian, they would have one hell of an opening.
You pay 30% of your check as Federal Income tax.
You pay almost 10% in most States Income tax.
You pay another 7% in Sales tax.
You pay another 8% in Property tax.
For most Americans, 55% of your damn check is taken from you before you even get home from work
Then they doubled gas prices. Then they doubled food prices. Then they doubled mortgage rates.
Then... they give all your money away recklessly to other countries
Because fuck you.... They hate you. That's why
You pay almost 10% in most States Income tax.
You pay another 7% in Sales tax.
You pay another 8% in Property tax.
For most Americans, 55% of your damn check is taken from you before you even get home from work
Then they doubled gas prices. Then they doubled food prices. Then they doubled mortgage rates.
Then... they give all your money away recklessly to other countries
Because fuck you.... They hate you. That's why
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