America's People First

America's People First

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Holistic health is the key to healing and living a quality life. There are many wonderful holistic ways to help your body and mind, but there are 4 that I believe to be crucial to one's health: 1) intermittent fasting/understanding mitochondrial health and how mitochondrial disregulation is the problem to most physical health/disease issues; 2) grounding--the practice of making direct physical contact with the Earth, allowing your body to absorb its natural electrical charge; 3) muscle testing/quantum reflexology where you find out what your body wants and needs as opposed to guessing; and 4) Rolfing/structural integration-- most people are out of postural alignment whether bc of accidents, repetitive motion, stress, living life etc, whatever the cause, being out of alignment makes daily activities harder. You wonder why your body aches, joints hurt etc? You're most likely out of alignment. Our weaponized allopathic medicine has demonized, ridiculed, and lead an all out assault for many years on holistic practices that work... why? Bc they cannot patent holistic health alternatives to make money, and there is no money to be made with healthy people. Take control over your health!
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It has to get back to the states!! This isn't the panacea, but it will make a huge difference indeed: I believe that we have to get the people in every state involved in the elections. Each state needs to be held accountable by it's own people to oversee the elections; only then can we effect the change that is needed. What do we do---we all need to blow up our state congressmen's, local representatives', local city councils', etc., phones and hold them accountable to making the changes necessary to the election systems process with community representative oversite. I believe each state has to do this without federal government overreach; change will not happen without reforming the voting process. Paper ballots may be the way to go forward, for there is too much fraud with machines. Mail in ballots need to be overseen to eliminate the huge voter fraud. Bottom line, it will take the effort of the people in each state to effect this change. Seek His wisdom on this, fellow Patriots ❣️

An important website to peruse:
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The real SUPREMACY clause: Article VI: "This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made pursuant thereof...shall be the supreme law of the land..." Therefore, only laws made in "pursuance" of the Constitution become supreme, and regulations, as well-meaning as they might be, could never, nor are they designed to supersede the Constitution. Sheriff Mack CSPOA

This is our last line of defense against a tyrannical government. The county sheriff works for We the People, and their duty is to uphold and defend our Constitution.
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Finding and buying American includes foods from American farms/sources. Here is a list of websites that I got from Dr. Joseph Mercola (a medical doctor who is on our side) to get info on certified farms and products near you:
-American Grass fed Association
-Weston A. Price Foundation
-Grass Fed Exchange
-Local Harvest
-Farmers Markets
-Community Involved in Sustaining Agriculture (CSIA)
-The Cornucopia Institute
10 replies
Select all squares with an Israel first president.

Same thing.

Womp, womp.
Have a wonderful evening, Patriots ❣️
It depends, so yes and no, from a legalese standpoint.

If something is found to hinder something at the federal level, the govt can just arbitrarily call it a Federal Issue and then do whatever it wants.

These precedents were set every time a ConservaMagaBoomerTard told everyone that while theyre right and the govt is wrong so just look the other way and its not like they do it all the time.

This is like the issue the other day where some faggot was screaming they were spotchecking weigh stations in AR for illegals.

And it was absolutely false. The roads are in AR, but the snarl up in traffic would have paralyzed ablarge portion of the nation and so there was no way it could have gone on if for no other reason than having to deal with both Federal and State groups mixing and clashing over jurisdiction though the feds would have won.
@AquilaJovis Far as i understand the ONLY thing that falls under federal jurisdiction is. federal courthouses,federal offices, forts (can literally mean anything according to jewspeak of "legalese") someone's mailbox (which i suggest erect a box around with clear signage), federal highways i.e. the blue signage ones. (which also speaks to the "State cops" being defacto federal highway bandits.
Brad Schimel? Sounds jewish. Does he support White Lives Matter or is he one of those niggerlover/profaggot/weneedmoreshitskinsinAmerica kind of guys?

So, if you know any Trump supporters in Wisconsin,

I’m asking you to stop what you’re doing & text them about voting for Brad Schimel on April 1st.

I’ve been posting about this election for 106 days & I dropped everything to drive 8 hours to Wisconsin.

You can all text.

Not all life is sacred. Nobody is trying to save Ebola, liver flukes, fleas or ticks.

Now, since we have demonstrated that only some lives are worth saving; let's focus on saving lives that have value and meaning.

We start with White Lives Matter.
Life is sacred. We must protect it at all costs!
What does the law say?
Should Congress limit the power of federal district judges to issue injunctions that apply across the entire United States?
  • 3%
  • 97%
95 votes·
Is this the winning you always talk about, judeo-communist republicans?
The Republican Party might as well be called the "ADL Political Party." Every single day I hear elected Republicans regurgitate Anti-Defamation League "antisemitism" talking points. There have been more Congressional panels in the past two months regarding "antisemitism" - to date 74 panels since January 2nd. Meanwhile, not a single Republican panel has addressed affordable housing, homeless veterans, or misappropriated federal funds. When is enough enough? If the Democrats were not so vehemently anti-White and anti-Christian, they would have one hell of an opening.
If you hold this picture close to your ear?

You can hear the ConservaMagaBoomerTards whisper those guys holding the sheriff down are Feds.

The ConservaMagaBoomerTards will celebrate a minor end to us on here but will wonder why we stand and wave at them while the jews line them up and shoot them.

Its going to be great.

As some of us said all along, the ConservaMagaBoomerTards will either fight alongside us ro they will all be killed off by the very people they claim are their greatest allies.

The choice was theirs and they chose poorly.

England, at the behest of Israel, is coming after Gab. They conspire to strip free speech from Americans. They are attacking your rights. This is giant news.

I wonder who, from our government to our press, will fight with/for us.


Very, very positive.

Soon, the ConservaMagaBoomerTards will be dead at the hands of the Left as they screech that some other group is the real nazis...muh fashy bastids...

And all we have to do is mop up the Left and we win.
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God’s Presence

Philippians 2:13 – “God is working in you. He is giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases Him.”

Daily Walking

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